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Stress Recovery Masterclass

13 Dec 2022
Looking after your employees

After suffering from two strokes, Karen Simpson, an employee well-being specialist turned her life around and, after fully recovering, had to find new ways of working while safeguarding her energy levels and health.

Like a video, you need to know when to pause to buffer and load for the best quality. Try putting your to-dos in a quadrant of four. What is urgent and important? What is urgent but not important? What is important but not urgent and what is neither urgent nor important? Karen likes to spend most of her time on the important but not urgent as this is where she can put herself into the work she is doing. The pause gives you the time to allocate your energy levels according to this quadrant and feel on top of things.

For more practical tips on how to manage stress and cope with fatigue, watch the full video below.

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